I¨m getting along with my companion.. he´s just having troubles adjusting to a new mission. This is in total his 4th mission. He was in Bolivia for 10 months waiting for his visa when his mission got split and he got sent to a different one in Bolivia. Then he got sent to Venezuela for a month and a half, and now in Chile. The 2 new missionaries in our house are both from Bolivia.
We have also been working with a lady named C. G. The other day she asked us for a Book of Mormon, and we left her a chapter. When we returned on Friday, she brought her book and said she started from the beginning, and was on page 172. She started explaining a lot of parts and she understood everything like perfect. The only thing is that she is almost impossible to get to come to church. She says she has wanted to see what the church was like and go, but every Sunday something happens. It´s like the 3rd or 4th week she has bailed which is frustrating. We passed by the other day, and she was smoking. We had no idea she smoked, but we just need to keep working with her. If she doesn´t ever want to come to church, we´ll just have to stop teaching her until she wants to progress. We also have been teaching some more people, but haven´t quite been progressing or reading the stuff that we leave them. PATIENCE, PATIENCE, AND SOME MORE PATIENCE.
So you did get the video? I´ll have to see what I can do. I´ll feel super awkward making a video like that.. maybe just a letter? Hahaha I´ll have to think about it :) Congratz to my niece Brielle for getting her first tooth! Already growing up so fast. Thanks Dad for the update on that missing airplane. Seems strange and like you said, we´ll probably never know exactly what happened. Anyways that´s about it for this week... thanks for all the letters and for all your prayers. I pray for you guys daily as well and hope you guys are all happy and doing well. I´ll be thinking of you guys as I watch General Conference next week being held in my favorite place in the world... UTAH :) I love you all and I´ll talk to you guys next week!!!!!!!!!
L to R: Me, Elder Ribeiro, Elder Flores, and Elder Colque
By the way... on Saturday it RAINED. It´s starting to get super cold here especially in the mornings and at night. We are going to buy a heater today so that should help out. Apparently here in Concepcion, when it rains.. IT RAINS. It´s not quite the winter yet... but we got a nice preview of it on Saturday. Here is a picture of us before we all left to go out in the rain. They all made ponchos out of plastic that came on a new mattress.. and I was using my nice jacket. I´m a little spoiled... thanks mom and dad! :)