I first again want to congratulate my Utes on pulling out the win against BYU and winning bragging rights for the next couple of years! Sounds like it was a good game and Travis Wilson played well. That´s dope. Also thanks for the pictures and videos Brian/Heather. You guys are ballers... so is Hayden! I loved that video of him.. and wow his teeth.. hahaha crazy! All my nephews/niece are ballers by the way. If anyone was wondering I miss them so much. Anyways about my week! Looks like I will be staying here in Yungay with Elder C another 6 weeks. All the members are making fun of my companion because he´s been here forever. This is his 5th change here.. but hopefully we can get a lot done. Anyways yes I had the 18th of September here this past week. For those of you who don´t know what it is it is basically the 4th of July. I ate a ton of empanadas and we went and saw a parade and visited a bunch of less actives. The parades weren´t as cool as ours but there were literally like 200 horses there.. I was like woooooooooooooooow. Should´ve been expected though since we are literally in the middle of nowhere here in Yungay haha. I took some pictures so I´ll see if I can send them after this email. Anyways this week was a little slow but it´s all good! Last week on Sunday I was at the church making a list for the talks to be given this next month when we got a call from the branch president saying we had to go run some oil up to him to give a blessing to someone. We quickly ran to the house and of course he had left. Haha we as missionaries have to do EVERYTHING here in Yungay. Anyways the family invited us to lunch so we quickly ate. Eeeeeeewww my piece of meat they gave me was horrible. I´m not kidding but if you guys would´ve had a choice between that piece of meat they gave me and that piece from Hometown Buffet, you definitely would´ve taken hometown´s.. no doubt. When I found my opportunity, I took it. I had no other choice but to slip the piece of meat in my pocket and chuck it out later. Hahahahaha like for reals oh my gosh I almost threw up when I saw it. Anyways after that we got a call from another member asking us when we were going to eat lunch at her house. Anyways we ended up having to eat 2 lunches.. which wasn´t too bad because I didn´t really eat the first haha. Anyways the other day we were coming back from our district meeting in Chillan and there were no seats so we had to stand up. Being tall and hideous and ugly I couldn´t stand up normally without ducking. Haha so the bus guy came back and opened the moon roof and told me to stand under there so I wasn´t so uncomfortable.. haha it was funny. The other day we were sick of being here in Yungay so we went to Pemuco which is about 25 minutes away from here. It´s like Huepil, but the other direction from Yungay. There´s one member there so we had lunch with her and spent pretty much all day there. I asked her to use her bathroom and she was like yep it´s out in the back go ahead. I went out there and it was like this little outhouse they had built. They had dug a big hole and put a spare toilet seat over the hole. I was like are you serious? Haha people are soooo poor here it´s so sad. Anyways we taught 9 lessons there but nobody would commit to church because it´s too far away. We can teach a ton of lessons in Huepil and Pemuco but they are too poor to pay for the bus. By the way if I´m still here on November 15th, which I should be, I´ll get to travel to Santiago with the branch here to go to the temple! I´m first counselor in the bishopric so I basically have to. It costs like $1100 for the bus so we´re trying to get at least 30 people to go to split the cost. It´s a little difficult because some people can´t afford it which is sad. We can easily go to temples because we have cars and they´re close.. but they don´t have cars, a close temple, or very much money to pay for a bus. It´s sad but we´re trying to combine with a different branch to have more people. Anyways the other day we were contacting and we got into a house with 2 old people. They offered us a drink and we were like yeah sure. Haha anyways it smelled a little funky and tasted soooo nasty that I choked it down. Later on we told a member about it and turns out it was alcohol. Hahaha I was like wow alcohol tastes AWFUL. Anyways don´t judge me because we didn´t know any better! There´s not a whole lot more to report this week... I just want to wish my dad a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 27th! Can´t believe he´ll be 40... wow time flies ;) haha but I´m going to try and send some pictures so hopefully all goes well with that! By the way Hermana M was here for a change and got transferred... :( we got along really well and this new girl is just way too much. Hermana T told me she is dying with her and misses Hermana M... stupid changes. Anyways thanks again for all your letters I love reading them and seeing how everyone is doing! Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dad! I love you so much and am so thankful for all you have done for the family. You are such a baller. I´ll talk to guys all later and I LOVE YOU ALL!
¨ My eyes are opened up with pure sunlight, I´m the first to know... ¨Here we go, life´s waiting to begin.¨ AVA
Big Chilean Holiday 18 September
With the Hermanas in Yungay
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