December 1, 2014
Okay so first off.... did anyone else notice this? Once I´m far away, the unluckiest man alive, everyone starts getting lucky. Hmmmm... mark this experience down Trevor, and never forget it. That´s cool though.. I think Tanner´s right.. I deserve 250 dollars. I wouldn´t complain. Glad I could help :) I´m so unlucky.. I was known in my last house for being really unlucky by the other 3 missionaries I lived with. It´s a joke. Anyways this week... S GOT BAPTIZED! It was awesome.. we had to lift her down into the font in her wheelchair, which was a little awkward, but it all turned out fine. She had to do it twice cuz the first time she didn´t go all the way down. She´s the mom of a member, and wow that´s another story. The daughter´s husband baptized her and confirmed her, and we got into the font to help her to do everything. There was one point she was in the font and she just started like floating and just started laughing her head off. Hahaha it was funny and a little awkward, but it was cool. This week we also had a meeting in Concepción for all the zone leaders. They did it on Wednesday, instead of today, because as a mission, or I guess all the missionaries in the world are focusing on something different this month. They wanted to start it as soon as possible. It´s Christmas season obviously, and I don´t know if you guys have heard, but the church came out with a video called ¨He is the Gift.¨ It´s about Christ and the true meaning of Christmas. Anyways we´re going all out with it, and it´s helped us find a few new investigators. In all of our contacts in the street, we basically talk about the video. We even have to keep track of our numbers with new people we find doing it, and send a weekly email back to the church. Anyways on December 7th, it´ll be on youtube as the featured video, and will also be advertised in Times Square. The church is going all out which is cool. The next day, on Thursday, we taught the zone class, and it went really well. We just talked about the video and ways we can apply it here in Chillan. I believe that on December 6th, we will be going to the big plaza here and have it on repeat on a big projector and doing contacts. We´ll see how that turns out. The video is found on don´t know if you guys have heard about it, but you guys should go watch it.. it´s awesome. Anyways, the other missionary I live with, Elder H, is from West Valley, and he´s on his second transfer. He told me the other day they made a Mormon Message on him, because in 7 days he went to 7 temples, and did family history for like 90 something of his ancestors. He got a letter from Neil Anderson is the mail and stuff, and they had camera guys in the MTC following him and stuff. Anyways the video is supposed to be out within the next month or so.. so that´s pretty cool. I honestly can´t believe it´s already December. I´m looking forward to Christmas.. we´re going to be doing an activity here in Chillán, just like last year when I was here... well not here but in Yungay.. but we traveled here for the activity. We don´t know exactly what we´re going to do, but this year they left it up to the zone leaders here to figure something out. We gotta talk to the other zone leaders and think of something.. I´m not very good at that stuff haha. That´s about all the updates for this week. N is progressing well towards December 13th.
Congratz to Utah for finishing the regular season at 8-4. Sounds like they overachieved the expectations with their hard schedule they had.. hopefully next year they can kill it. Good luck to them in the bowl game.. let me know where we´ll be playing and against who. Thanks Mom for getting that hard drive... you´re awesome. I was expecting you to like be asking me what I wanted you to do now, but you already sent it. What a baller. That will be sooo nice.... trust me. We have interviews with the president coming up on Wednesday. Anyways thanks for the pictures.. Teagan´s and Hayden´s pictures/drawings made me laugh. Love those ballers. The picture of Bella with the stuffed dog also gave me a good laugh.. she´s so freaking cute. Is she still getting fatter? Well I should probably go... gotta put in a bunch of numbers... so fun right? Haha anyways thanks for everything and I´ll talk to you all next week!!! NEILSON OUT!!!!!!
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