December 15, 2014
Well well well... how are the dudes back in Utah doing? From the updates I got, sounds like everyone is doing well, and a little busy with the Christmas season. I, also, have been so extremely busy. We´ve had to do so much stuff to get ready for all these Christmas activities and such, and it´s a little stressful. Anyways, I´ll talk about that a little later on. This week, N got baptized!!! He was baptized on Saturday, and was confirmed yesterday. It was awesome, and he seems to be doing really well. I have some pictures, so if I have time I´ll see if I can send them off. We´ve found a couple new people to teach, but none of them were able to come to church.. pretty normal. Anyways we had done a family night with him, his girlfriend (a member in the stake), and our ward mission´s leader family. It went really well. The ward mission leader here is awesome.. and so is his family. All the young single adults in the ward are always hanging out at their house, and their son reminds me so much of Jon. He plays the piano, and is just like Jon haha it´s weird. Anyways the ward mission leader is really good and is always willing to help us. As for all the Christmas stuff... we have the conference here in Chillán with all the mission on the 23rd. We have to come up with a 3-5 minute skit or song, so we all met together and practiced. I love all the other missionaries in the zone. We´re all way cool with each other. We came up with a good idea though.. and it should be pretty funny. We haven´t quite figured out about the service on the 22nd or so quite yet.. we´re still figuring it out. Also, we have to plan out the activity on Christmas for all the missionaries in Chillán. It´s honestly so much going on, added on to all the other responsibilities, and it´s been pretty stressful. Oh well. It´s crazy Christmas is almost here.. I´m pretty excited. It´s weird with how hot it is. I did get my Christmas package, but haven´t quite gotten the hard drive. It´s probably in Concepción, and they´ll be bringing it on the 23rd or so. I´ll keep you guys updated. Anyways we´ve been teaching another less active family that has a 14 year old boy and an 8 year old girl that aren´t baptized. The parents said they want to return to church, and they´re doing pretty well. It had been a little tough because she was pregnant and like last week finally had her baby. She was way overdue. Anyways the little girl loves when we go over because I do magic tricks to her with my cards. (Does a certain someone remember my magic tricks I used to do?) Yes, Heather, I knew you would :) They all came to church, but F didn´t because he said he was tired in the morning. It might be a little tough because every other week he´s at his Dad´s house, because they´re divorced. We´ll see what happens. Yesterday at church, 5 minutes before starting sacrament meeting, the 2nd counselor comes down to us and tells me and Elder Sperry they need one of us to speak for 15 minutes. Elder S shared a little message in N´s baptism, so it was my turn to speak. I hurried and TRIED to prepare something, and as they go to announce that it´s my turn, they out of nowhere announce Elder S would be speaking afterwards too. Haha the face of Elder S was sooooooo funny. Anyways the talks turned out well considering how little of time we had to prepare. We were going to watch a rebroadcast of the Christmas devotional in the church, but N didn´t end up showing up with his girlfriend because they couldn´t, so we left to go visit some people. I heard it was good though. I´m glad you guys enjoyed the Muppet thing.. sounds like it was fun. A member in the stake talked to another missonary, and is the principal of a high school year. Anyways they wanted to get some missionaries to go play a real legit game of basketball against their high school, so we´re playing here in like 2 hours. We got permission from the president, and we´re pretty excited. There´s 8 of us that´s going to play from our zone. I´m not sure how legit the game will be, but maybe I´ll get some pictures and send them next week. It should be pretty fun. As for Skype on Christmas, we´re not exactly sure what time we´ll be calling because we still haven´t quite planned the activity. I´m not sure the hour difference between here and there, but the activity here will probably start at 4, and we´d probably like to skype before. It would probably be around 2 or so we´re thinking.. hopefully everybody would be able to arrange that. The other possibility we were thinking was doing it after the activity.. which would be around 7 or 8, but we´re leaning towards before. Would that be possible? I loved all the pictures.. of Bella, our Christmas card, and the ballers balling it up. Bella is so freaking cute. Does she still like to play with frisbees or has she gotten lazy? I´m proud of Carter for giving his talk... sounds like he´s a genius haha. Anyways can´t think of anything else, just keep pushing and doing your thing my homies.. hope all is well and that you guys are enjoying the Christmas season. I love you all and I´ll talk to you all next week!!!!!
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