Hello all!! How´s it going? Trenton Daniel Neilson is doing
well in Chile! First off I want to wish everyone a Happy Birthday! Hayden..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can´t believe you´re 7 already.. I often told you that
you would get to see me again when you´re 8.. time is flying by!
I love you so much buddy and thanks for everything.. you´re such a baller!
DJ Teaskie.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We´ve had so many good times and so many memories
growing up together and I want to thank you for that! I often think about how
we´re both making this 2 year sacrifice for others and God and it keeps me
going a lot of the time! Brayton.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You´re my brother from
another mother and you never fail to make me laugh! Thanks for everything and
especially the USB Flashdrive because I use it so much here! Carter.. HAPPY
BIRTHDAY! I love you so much and I miss going on bear hunts with you so badly!
Your love for monster trucks and bears always makes me laugh! Justin..
CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement! You are also my brother from another mother
and you have always just PULLED the ladies! Thanks for everything and I wish
you luck! I am going to send some photos with this email so hopefully they work
:) This work hasn´t been too bad. I had a mini-cambio with Elder Shumway from
Timpview or Mtn. Crest I can´t remember. He played football and basketball so
we get along really well. He also loves Blink-182 and AVA so that´s pretty
dope. My companion and I have been working with a less active family named the
Alegria´s. They have their kids living everywhere in Linares and we´re working
on reactivating them and getting their kids baptized. They keep telling us
they´ll come to church but they never do so it´s pretty frustrating. The other
day I was super hungry and excited to eat lunch when we got to the house and
the lady told us she had forgotten. Soooo.. we had to call a new convert that´s
20 years old and she cooked us a quick meal! She loves the missionaries and
she´s so nice! 3 days ago, we were contacting and we came across a family of 5!
They were great and they had all the desires.. they accepted a fecha and even
called us Saturday night telling us how excited they were for church on Sunday!
We went to their house a half hour before church like they told us to, and the
youngest kid told us they had already left to go to church. However, they
weren´t there. We called them, tried to visit them later, but we haven´t gotten
a response. We have no idea what happened but we´ll figure it out! We had 1
investigator in church named James. He is really funny and loves messing with
me because I can´t understand him. He speaks so fast and like a gangster so
it´s nearly impossible.I honestly have felt like I´ve hit a wall here in how
much I understand and I´ve been really frustrated with the language. I feel
like I should be progressing a lot more than I am right now.. but oh well.
Saturday night, we had a movie night for the members and for our investigators.
Not a ton of our investigators showed up, but the members really enjoyed it. We
watched ¨Up¨ which wasn´t nearly as good as normal because it was in Spanish :(
A lady in the ward made some popcorn for everyone so it was pretty fun.
Remember that new convert named Claudia I told you about? The really poor one
that can´t take care of her kids and the lady we were teaching when the
Catholic lady told her to not listen to us anymore? Since that, she is always
busy or doesn´t answer the door. Friday night, we went by and she was outside.
Guess what? She was smoking.. she saw us, threw her cigarette, and ran inside.
It´s so frustrating knowing the Catholic Lady caused this to happen. Oh well..
we´ll see what we can do. Today was a pretty fun P-Day.. we went to a place
with a bunch of mountains, a river, and a big dam. Everyone was like wow these
mountains are soooo cool! They were taking a bunch of pictures and I was like..
yeah yeah yeah cool a mountain. Hahaha we seriously take our mountains for
granted so much! I still took a lot of pictures and I´ll probably send them
next week when I´ve gone through them and picked out the ones I like. My wrist
is getting a little better.. I can dress myself now but for the past 3 days it
hasn´t progressed in healing. There´s one part that hurts a ton when I move it
in a certain direction but I´m trying to wait it out. Yeah I´ve still had my
other problems mom.. but I guess the doctor thinks my migraines and stomach
pain are from anxiety or something like that and doesn´t know if it´ll go away.
I guess some missionaries get it when they´re so far away from their family..
it sucks thinking it might never go away and I´m just taking it day by day
right now. I fixed up my bike but I don´t have brakes but that´s on our to-do
list today.. as well as register my visa or something like that.
So I´m looking back at your email mom and am going to try
and answer some of your questions. I
didn´t have a choice where to go to the hospital. That´s the only place in
Linares with an X-Ray machine I guess and it´s super ghetto. I had to use my
own money and it cost like 80 bucks but I´m getting reimbursed soon. We haven´t
seen the Catholic lady much lately but I already told you about what happened
with Claudia. Yes, the Pulsipher´s are super nice and he actually did serve a
mission in Chile when he was younger. Keep checking their blog and let me know
if she posts the picture. Probably not because I am SO hideous :) I´ve got all
the missionaries saying that now and they think it´s pretty funny hahaha. That
sucks you weren´t able to go to President Arrington´s farewell.. I wonder when
they´ll arrive in Chile. Changes are next week but I think Humphrey´s will be
here for like 3 more weeks. Next week, I could get changed, or my companion
could also.. we don´t really know. It´s possible I could still go to Rancagua..
it depends on next week´s tranfers so I´ll let you know next week! That´s cool
you met Sean and Trio! I actually hung out with Trio quite often before I left
with Dakota Jake and them.. we always played FIFA together! Do you know what
day they are leaving? Also.. could you forward me some emails of Emily Lloyd´s?
I´m curious how she´s doing just a little bit south of me! Also.. could you check
up on Ryan Sperry and Hadden Wiese´s letters? They´re supposed to be in the MTC
for 6 weeks.. but changes are next week and they will have only been in the MTC
for 4 weeks.. well at least Ryan. I´m not sure what day Hadden left but I´m
trying to figure out when they´ll be coming to Chile. Maybe their letters are
on facebook or something who knows. Who leaves the soonest from our ward? Is it
Parker on the 31st or what? I´m jealous I wasn´t able to be at Hayden´s dope
birthday party! It sounded awesome and that everyone had a good time. You
better believe if I was there I would´ve been dressed up with Jeremy playing
with all the kids! Keep me updated on Grandma.. she doesn´t sound like she´s
doing too well :( How is Grandpa holding up? Oh my gosh.. Brian thanks for the
pictures! One of the pictures I was in absolute shock.. the one of Dallin. He
is huge now and he looked exactly like Hayden.. such a baller! I don´t have
anything else to say that I can think of.. just know that I pray for you guys
every single day and I love you guys so much! I´m going to send some pictures..
honestly I couldn´t remember what day exactly Carter´s birthday was.. I was
planning on asking today but I found out from your letters so that is why the
picture is different than the rest :) thanks for everything and I love you
guys! I leave you with Tweety´s Seeds of Wisdom: Wet rocks are so deceiving..
never trust a rock. Oh that looks dry.. I´ll step on that one to get across the
water.. NOPE! So depressing..
Hasta proxima semana familia! Les amo mucho.. gracias por todo!
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